Your natural gas contract
SMEG offers a range of rates tailored to the volume of natural gas used and its distribution over the year. These rates include a subscription fee and a price per kWh. Gas is naturally present underground and undergoes no transformation after extraction. When you use it, you release a certain amount of residual CO2, which you can offset by supporting one or more climate protection projects and playing an active part in achieving carbon neutrality.
Gas rate (Download rates)
Choosing the right rate:
Gas rates vary according to several criteria:
- Your average annual natural gas consumption (kWh)
- The service you choose according to use (Base, B0, B1, B2i)
Customers concerned: Anyone who needs power of up to 150,000 kWh.
Your choice of rate depends on your needs and how you wish to use your equipment.
The Gas rate is composed of:
A subscription based on annual consumption.
A single price per kWh 24/7 all year round (excluding Gaz Plus).
Choice of services and uses
Base rate
suitable for use under 1,000 kWh per year, and recommended for cooking.
B0 rate
suitable for use between 1,000 and 7,000 kWh per year, and recommended for cooking and domestic hot water production.
B1 rate
suitable for use between 7,000 and 30,000 kWh per year, and recommended for heating, with or without other uses: cooking, domestic hot water.
B2I rate
suitable for use between 30,000 kWh and 150,000 kWh per year. It can be used, for example, to heat large homes, for small-scale collective heating systems (fewer than 20 homes), with or without hot water production, and for many uses of natural gas in the tertiary and industrial sectors.
Over 150,000 kWh per year
suitable for gas users with annual consumption above a threshold varying between 150,000 and 350,000 kWh per year. It includes a subscription fee and a different prorated price for two different seasons:
- winter, from 1 November to 31 March
- summer, from 1 April to 31 October
For General Terms and Conditions for Base, B0, B1 and B2I gas rates, click here.
How are the cubic metres of natural gas you consume converted into kilowatt hours?
For natural gas, the meter records consumption in cubic metres (m3). A thermal coefficient (around 12) varies according to the natural gas source (Netherlands, Norway, Algeria, Russia). This is used to convert m3 into kWh, the billing unit.
Source of natural gas: SMEG changed gas supplier in 2019
SMEG is keen to offer its customers the most competitive rates, so it plays the competition card for its energy suppliers.
During the last call for tenders, and after having consulted several European operators, the French supplier Gaz de Bordeaux submitted the most competitive offer while guaranteeing the best quality of service. Gaz de Bordeaux was selected and has been supplying SMEG with natural gas since 1 January 2019. The physical transportation of the molecules remains unchanged: the natural gas is transported from France by the French carrier GRT gaz to the Franco-Monegasque border, where it is taken over by SMEG's infrastructure.
Maintaining competitive natural gas supply conditions is essential for Monaco's consumers and will be even more so in the years to come, in order to compensate for the ban on the use of fuel oil in collective heating systems from 2022, as is the need to become more involved in the energy transition alongside the Prince's Government by developing the production of renewable energies.
Catalogue of services
This catalogue outlines the technical services offered by SMEG as Manager of the Public Electricity and Natural Gas Distribution Network in the Principality of Monaco. SMEG reserves the right to modify the content of this catalogue to reflect technical or regulatory developments.
Services are provided on working days (Monday to Friday excluding public holidays) and during working hours. Working hours for the provision of services are from 8am to 5pm.
Exceptionally, and subject to our teams' availability, certain services may be carried out :
- on the day of the request, with an additional charge ("same-day" activation or restoration service).
- outside working days and hours, with an additional charge.